Friday, May 6, 2011

Haiku Friday Week Three For Me

That's right my dear readers, its Friday again which means its Haiku Friday: Pink. Please be sure to check out Kim Pearson, founder of Haiku Friday.

Today, as you see above, the subject is Pink:

When born she was pink
As she grew she loved it so
My dear Tink is Pink

Okay, so that one isn't a literary masterpiece, but its about Masha Allah gorgeous Tinker Bell.

Let me try again...

Didn't get this posted. Didn't get to try again - in fact didn't get to my computer until late this evening(Sunday). Things were even busier than usual. And I didn't even do any laundry, which I'll pay for *all* week. But the family tript to the dentist was successful. Iron Man may or may not have some sort of "cross bite," but there's nothing to do about it either way. Tink's jaw is much smaller than her teeth, so she's going to look goofy for a couple of years - great! But no cavities. Even Zeus escaped without much fuss... I need to have an old filling repaired. If I am not mistaken its the first one I ever had, so its roughly twenty two years old.

Have fun with the math on figuring out how old I may be :-) I don't think I've "dated" myself here before, so you may not have enough data. Maybe I'll offer up a tid bit in one of my posts this week.

Fran and Neva came over for bruch today. It was great. We had a great time. My souffle was superb - it rose to the skies! Got the recipe from Martha. Convicted felon or not, girlfriend can cook and write easy to follow recipes. If you want to cook something and she has a recipe, you are in good hands. Insider trading has nothing to do with cooking.

Good Night All...

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