Monday, June 6, 2011

Tomorrow's The Big Day

Iron Man's first, of what will culminate in a couple of decades with a PhD in something that will make him (and us!) rich, graduation ceremony is tomorrow. He's really excited. So am I.

We've got t-shirts (the school said not robes), caps, tassels, pizza, cake, balloons, goody bags, a slide show. The teachers have put together a program for the children to show off what they've learned. Its going to be great.

And bittersweet. And Marvelous!

I formed a committee back in March (yes, of this year - not last!) to find out what parents would like to do and to get people going. Turns out most folks are all talk and little action, but in the end, there were enough of us to make it work out. We held a couple of bake sales and raised most of the money to pay for all this stuff. These are tough times to be asking parents to shell out more money.

We'll blow up the balloons tomorrow morning. Zeus will bring the video camera. I'll bring my camera. There will be awesomeness.

I am thankful.

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