Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Aforementioned Mourned Pak-N-Save

So, I knew for probably nearly a year that my beloved Pak-N-Save was to be renovated into an ultra-modern, too-dark-to-shop-in Safeway. I spent most of that year in denial. I kept thinking that something would happen at the last minute and they wouldn't dare to close down the store I have loved and shopped in for more than 15 years.

Yes, 15 years. 15 wonderful years. While life spun around me, I could always depend on my dear Pak-N-Save.

I never needed a list, I just knew where I needed to go. I always shopped in the same path and rarely forgot stuff. I knew where everything was. I could shop in my sleep.

They closed it. On my birthday. ON.MY.BIRTHDAY!

Three days before they closed the store, I went shopping. As I walked in everything seemed fine, but as I rounded the corner from produce to the bread and meat what I saw before me shook me to my core.

The store was half empty.

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